About Me

Hi, I am Amanda and I am 31 year old stay-at-home mom to three wonderful children, ages 4, 2, and 5 months.  All three of my children have food allergies, four year old J has allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, treenuts, as well as mold and dogs.  Two year old Princess R has food allergies to eggs, peanuts and treenuts, and our five month old Mr. T has allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, treenuts and soy.  I think that we had finally adjusted to the food allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, treenuts, when we discovered Mr. T's soy allergy.  I am currently on an elimination diet in order to continue breastfeeding, and so I have been doing a lot of research to find good food that can be enjoyed while living without five of the top eight allergens. I love finding new recipes and ideas, so if you have any great products that you have discovered or recipes, I would love to try them! Thank you for reading!