Last week my husband recieved two job offers, one about an hour away and the other is 10 hours away. With a lot of prayer, thought and discussion we have decided he should take the job that is 10 hours away, which means a huge relocation. Our plan is to get the house on the market by next week (gasp) and we have a ton of work ahead of us. We spoke with a realtor last week and she suggested that if we want to sell our house faster we needed to paint almost the entire house (including a two story entry way and two story family room), steam clean all the floors and pack most of our belongings. My husband and I moved five years ago when it was only the two of us and when we had a lot less stuff. It is amazing how much you can accumulate in five years (we probably have more than twice as much stuff since we had three kids since we moved in). So we have been organizing, donating, giving away and throwing away a lot.
We started painting on Wednesday night and we are close to being done! We painted everything except our master, the upstairs hallway and our little guys room. I am hoping to be totally done by Wednesday night and then we can work on packing up the rest of the stuff in the unfinished rooms. I am really nervous about selling the house and hoping that it sells quickly since my husband will be moving in two weeks and I will be with the kids myself. Luckily we have a lot of family that lives close and can give me a break if I need it. If you have any suggestions about moving with children I could really use them!
Wow! Moving is a big ordeal. I feel for you but am excited for your hubby's new job!
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Monday's blog hops!
Happy Monday:)
found u on the blog hop :) following u know- good luck on the move
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