Her paper dolls are 10 1/2 inches tall and come with ten dresses in different colors and patterns. She sells several different doll and dress styles. The dresses attach to the doll with heavy duty velcro and all pieces are laminated.

Stephanie also makes Family Scrapbook Albums. Each book contains fourteen pages and is ready for you to add your own pictures!

Her Dino books are adorable and contain seven pages and thirteen laminated dinosaurs that attach with strong velcro.

The Chore charts that Stephanie makes include 24 different chores and ten stars to add to the chart when the child completes the chore. They attach with velcro so you can change the chores for the child. The charts come in boy or girl colors.

I was sent two different paper doll sets for my review. I loved these dolls! The are very durable (which is really important for my three year old daughter, who is not gentle with anything!) They are also very easy to use. She was able to take the dresses off and put a new one on by herself, which is really important to me since she is easily frustrated and whines if something is too hard. I think that these sets would make perfect travel toys and a great idea to take to a doctors appointment. We really like our paperdoll sets and would highly recommend them!
Elsie Rose Paper Doll
Myra Paper Doll Set
Buy It! You can purchase items from Hansel and Gretel Shop on Etsy.
Win It! Stephanie is giving away a paperdoll set to one lucky follower! Winner must be a resident of the U.S. Giveaway ends Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Winner will be selected via Random Number Generator. Once the winner is notified they will have 48 hours to email me with their address or another winner will be selected.
You must be a follower of Too Blessed to be Stressed and visit Hansel and Gretel Shop on Etsy and tell me your favorite item in your comment (this is worth one entry, please leave only one comment)
Extra Entries (each is worth one entry, please leave a seperate comment for each entry):
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All opinions on this post are my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was sent the stated product for my review.
I'm already a follower of yours and I love her Dinosaur book with the velcro dinos!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
i follow on gfc and like the chore chart
These are adorable! I love all the paper dolls. If I have to pick, Myra is my fave, but they are all cute! I bacame a fan on FB, and I am now following you. :)
The chore chart is too cute! And I follow on GFC.
wondermom23 at gmail dot com
I Like Too Blessed to be Stressed on Facebook
under Jill T
wondermom23 at gmail dot com
I Like Hansel and Gretel Shop on Facebook
under Jill T
wondermom23 at gmail dot com
I follow via gfc and I love the chore chart for my son.
I like Too Blessed to be Stressed on fb dena anderson
I like Hansel and Gretel on fb dena anderson
My favorite is the Steph doll set! (I'm a follower.)
giabao.ng @ gmail
I liked you on FB.
giabao.ng @ gmail
Liked H&G on FB.
giabao.ng @ gmail
Follow via GFC. My face is the chore chart.
kmncbe at gmail dot com
I like the Hansel and Gretel shop on FB (Katharine Neill)!
kmncbe at gmail dot com
I follow Too Blessed to be Stressed on FB (Katharine Neill).
kmncbe at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC and LOVE the responsibility charts
I like you on FB
I'm a new follower, and I think the Lizzie paper dolls are cute.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
I liked both pages on facebook. I think that Elsie Rose is the cutest paper doll. THank you! Bethanie bethaniebranton@rocketmail.com
I follow on GFC and like the responsibility chart
blogger follower(cpage2323) i really like the rosemary paper doll on her site.
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
I really like the Lexi paper doll set!
Star Shipley
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Star Shipley
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Star Shipley
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Star Shipley
I'd like to follow your blog, but I am having trouble finding the GFC follow button. It isn't showing on my page.
gfco follower: nicolesender
I like the Custom Made Responsibility Chart with the Dinosaurs.
like you on fb: Nicole Sender
like hansel & Gretel shop on fb: Nicole Sender
shared on fb
GFC follower as lewalk and I like the Dino Book. Love the paper dolls. So cool.
Like you on FB.
Leah W.
Like Hansel and Gretel Shop on FB as well.
And shared this on FB.
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