Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Craziness and Guest Blogger Opportunities

Our house is totally crazy! My husband moved away last Sunday for his new job and left me with my two sons (ages 4 1/2 and 15 months) and our daughter (3). Our house is currently up for sale (and I am praying that it sells quick so our life can go back to normal soon!) So in the meantime I am still going to be blogging but may not have as many new posts (my goal is to still have 3-4 new posts a week). I am still planning on running giveaways, but only one new one a week instead of three new giveaways every two weeks. Once the house sells I won't have to worry about keeping the house spotless which is impossible with three kids under 5 and will hopefully hae more time!. In the meantime if you are a blogger and would be interested in writing a guest post on fun kid activities, food allergy friendly topics or recipes, time management strategies, or kid friendly recipes please email me at jandrmom2009 at gmail dot com.

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