Their products are also made just for kids. They have quick and easy application, their scents are kid friendly and their products have a light texture. The company is very concerned with teaching kids healthy skincare habits and making their product kid friendly. Not only are their products kid friendly, but their labels. are very kid friendly as well. All of their products carry a smart label. The smart label has pictures to let kids know where the product should be used. Ther TruKid site also has great tips, songs and check lists to get your child interested in healthy skincare habits.
TruKid sent me four products to review: Silly Shampoo, helping Hand Wash, Happy Face and Body Lotion and Sunny Days Sunscreen.

When I opened the box my son and daughter were veyr excited. I immediately placed the hand soap in their bathroom. Right away my son said he needed to use the bathroom (which I think was only because he wanted to use his new soap!) He told me he really liked his new soap. Later that night I washed both children's hair with the shampoo. My children hate to have their hair washed and I always have a huge battle on my hands, especially with my son. I washed my son's hair and he told me I could wash his hair every night if I used his special new shampoo. After a couple of weeks of rain (and the days that it did not rain it was too cold to take the kids outside) we finally had a sunny day and I was able to use the sunscreen. The sunscreen was easy to apply and had the same scent as the other skincare products we receieved which was a nice change from the normal sunscreen we purchase. The loition was also very easy to applu and rubbed in so easily. All the products had a light fruity scent, which I found very pleasing. I do not like strong scents in skincare products, especially floral scents since they normally make my eyes and my kids' eyes itchy.
I could really tell a difference between Trukid's products and other skincare products not made specially for children. They are so much easier to apply and contain recognizable ingredietn.s Their scent are more pleasing and not overhwelming. I was very pleased with thier products. I felt much safer using their products on my children, since I could recognize most of the ingredients and the ones I did not recognize I could look up on their site. My kids also loved their products (especially my 4 1/2 year old). I would definately recommend their products to other parents.
Buy It! You can purchase TruKid products on their website.
Win It! TruKid is giving away three skincare products to one of my followers. This giveaway will end on Thursday, April 7th at 11:59 pm EST and is open to U.S. followers. To enter please leave a comment for each entry. Winner will be chosen by the Random Number Generator and will have 48 hours to respond to my email with their contact information. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen.
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All opinions on this review are my own. I was not compensated for this review, TruKid provided me with the stated products for review.
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